Monday, February 27, 2012

Who are you?

If y'all are anything like me, I'm constantly trying to find my place in the world-a place that is ever changing.  I feel like constant improvement and evolution is necessary to keep up in this world.  I find my self constantly stressed, constantly overwhelemd and I know I"m not alone.  Are we stressing over becoming the person we long to be or the person we long for others to see us as?  When did our own self-concept become less important than our presenting self?  It's a depressing that many of us don't like to think about.

Thankfully, I have a husband who loves me as I am; a daughter who thinks I'm fabulous and a heavenly father who created me in his image.  Who else should I need or desire to impress.  Oddly enough, I've found the more real I am, the more acceptance I feel. 

Who I am:

I am a :  happily married wife, an adoptive mother, an educator, close to being a college graduate, a soon to be librarian, overweight, not always a faithful churchgoer, hypochondriac, type a personality, bad temper, overly protective child of GOD.  

I encourage everyone to discover who you really are.

1 comment:

  1. And you have a cousin who loves you dearly and is blessed to have you as a BFF.
