Good morning! It is a lazy (rainy and humid) kind of day. A day in which I seem to lack any real motivation and I'm afraid that will show through in my post today. Must get up and get a little something done today.
From my window: I see my hanging ferns swaying in the humid breeze. I see my front bushes desperately need a trim and I am thankful the rain quit long enough for my dear husband to get the yard mowed last night. Looks so much better.
I am hearing: Kip Moore singing "Hey Pretty Girl" and the sound of my clothes dryer (I did do something this morning, ha!)
I am feeling: A bit lonely. My baby is sleeping soundly and my big girl is at school. I miss her terribly after being with her all Summer. My desire was to homeschool her, but she was placed in the classroom of an amazing teacher and I felt best sending her. So far it's been an amazing year and while I am happy for her, I miss her cute self.
In the kitchen: The scent from last nights supper still lingers....cabbage with smoked sausage, baked potatoes and hoecakes. As usual, I have a few dishes in the sink and dishwasher is currently running. Lunch will be a salad and bacon and tomato sammies. Supper will be chicken and dumplings.
In the garden: My garden has passed its prime. Still currently getting tomatoes, green peppers and harvesting potatoes one hill at a time. Need to plant some fall crops ASAP.
On the farm: Livestock are looking good, have two a few chickens setting as we speak and last cutting of hay will be ready soon. Busy, busy, busy.
Thought for the day: Children learn from and follow example much better than just getting parental advice.
Plans for the week: Hubby and I both have dentists appointments, baby girl begins soccer with a meet and greet later in the week. Actually for us, a very calm week.