The above picture make me teary eyed. A grandmother praying with her This reminds me of my granny who has always shown me the love of Christ...always. I remember spending weeks with her in the summer and the fun we had. Each day was started the same way, breakfast at her long, squeaky chaired, cherry table. I remember every detail about the plates we used, how the homemade blackberry jam seemed to sparkle through her pint canning jars, how her coffee smelled, so many things. The thing I remember the most is how we studied the bible BEFORE getting up from the table. So many versus were read (she and papaw read the bible through yearly), The Guidepost devotional was done and a bit of studying for her upcoming Sunday School lesson was done. Us grandchildren would take turns reading verses and praying...we had no option, it was life at granny's. Sometimes we would be at the kitchen table for two hours and yes, as a child I would get frustrated. Today, the remembrance of such traditions is comforting. My granny laid a foundation without us even knowing it. You see, what children see their role models doing, they will do themselves. I am ashamed to say that I don't know my bible as well as granny does, but it is an important part of my day. This tradition is being passed on to my children too!
My granny is still a blessing and is still with us. Each day I see her slipping a bit more; each conversation is a bit more desperate on both of our parts to remember the good her own comforting way she is preparing us for her leaving this earth. Each hug after a visit gets a bit tighter as well. Conversations with her are changing as well....I see her talking more about loved ones who have passed; more about missing papaw; more about memories made versus looking forward to making new memories. Tis very bittersweet. Life truly is a vapor, but it blesses me to see her move towards Heaven after living a life full of grace. I love her and can only hope others see a smidgen of her in me.